Born in the jungles of Sumatra, Indonesia, Delia is a philanthropist, artist, entrepreneur and passionate advocate for sustainable farming. Her philanthropic commitment aligns with environment protection, and education for the empowerment of women everywhere.
Delia and her beloved family provide the opportunity for a stable income for farmers on her own plantation in Indonesia, and her unique approach is often replicated by global development agencies as best practice, and a model for multiple ethical public (and private) partnerships in the establishment of sustainable forestry and plantation projects.
Her entrepreneurial spirit flows strongly throughout all facets of her life, and she’s enjoyed additional success in a variety of businesses, from agriculture to jewellery design. Delia’s passion for taking every opportunity in life to make a difference is contagious. Join her on this very special journey to change lives through The Bumiku Untukmu Conservation Project while preserving one of the world’s greatest treasures, and make your own personal difference too.